Dr. Paul James Registered Psychologist Credentials and Experience

​Dr. Paul S. James - Registered Psychologist #975

I have been a registered Vancouver psychologist (#00975) in private practice since 1990. I bring experience in the fields of Alcohol and Drug counselling, Mental Health, Sex Therapy and Employee Assistance to my practice. My educational background includes a B.A. (McMaster), M.Div. (Vancouver School of Theology), M.A. and Ed.D. (Counselling Psychology, UBC). Because I believe that it is important for counsellors to do their own personal work, I have done over a decade of my own personal therapy.

In addition to training in Person-Centered, relationship therapy counselling and Family Therapy approaches during my Masters and Doctorate, I completed one year of supervision while working in an Alcohol and Drug Clinic that met the College of Psychologists requirements for registration.

My other training experiences include:

  • American Association of Marital and Family Therapy (1000 hours of supervised clinical work with couples and families accredited by AAMFT)
  • Gestalt Experiential Training Institute ( three year training in Gestalt/Experiential theory and techniques)
  • Vancouver Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) (completed an outcome study of EFT for my doctoral dissertation, with two published articles about EFT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Level 1 and 2
  • Voice Therapy (VT), Level 1 and 2